Once again, I am happy to report that the Section is in good financial shape. On September 15, 2001 the bank balance was $5,242.33, of which $2,293 belong to Project NExT. One year ago the balance was $5039.97, of which $2,455 belonged to Project NExT. The Section’s tax forms were filed with the IRS before the August 15 deadline.
The annual request for Section dues was sent out to each member of the MAA in Michigan in early October. The time to send in your dues, if you have not already done so, is NOW. The dues structure is the same as last year, a real bargain: $15 for a regular individual membership, $30 for a contributing membership, and either $40 or $70 for an institutional membership, depending on the size of the institution. You will find a form below. Please encourage your colleagues, especially new department faculty, to support the activities of the Section by paying Section dues.
One of the major expenses, which benefits the entire mathematical community in Michigan, is the printing and mailing of the Section’s Newsletter. It is mailed to all faculty in mathematical sciences departments in Michigan colleges and universities, in addition to MAA members. Another major expense is the annual Section meeting in the spring, to be held next at Lawrence Technological University, May 10–11, 2002. The Section also provides financial support for the very successful Michigan Undergraduate Mathematics Conference (see Pictures from the Annual Meeting at Hope College). Your dues directly support these activities.
Margret Höft, Secretary/Treasurer
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