Ruth Favro (LTU),
after serving as Secretary/Treasurer for three years, has moved on to become Vice Chair of the Section and has transferred the Section's financial and archival affairs to me. As I start my three-year term as treasurer, I am happy to report that the Section is in good financial shape. The accounts were audited in July and found to be in good order. The current bank balance is $5,040, compared to $3,785 at this time in 1999. However, the current balance includes $2,455 from last year's Exxon grant for Project NExT activities and is therefore somewhat lower than last year as far as uncommitted funds are concerned.
The annual request for Section dues was sent out to each member of the MAA in Michigan at the end of October. The time to send in your dues, if you have not yet done so, is NOW. The dues structure is the same as last year, a real bargain: $15 for a regular individual membership, $30 for a contributing membership, and $40 or $70 for an institutional membership, depending on the size of the institution. You will find a dues form on page 18 of this Newsletter. Please encourage your colleagues, especially new department faculty, to become Section members.
One of the major costs to the Section, which benefits the entire mathematical community in Michigan, is the printing and mailing of this Newsletter. It is sent to all faculty in mathematical sciences departments in Michigan colleges and universities, in addition to all MAA members in Michigan. Another major cost is the annual Section meeting in the spring, to be held next year at Hope College, April 27-28. At its September meeting, the Section's Executive Committee approved a request to provide some financial support, for the next three years, for the very successful Michigan Undergraduate Mathematics Conference (see article). Your dues directly support these activities.
Margret Höft, Secretary/Treasurer
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