![MAA Michigan logo](../images/logo-maa-michigan-blue-script-bold.png)
## Welcome
For safety reasons, the 2021 Annual Meeting of the Michigan Section of the Mathematical Association of America (MAA) will take place online. It will be on two consecutive Fridays, April 9th and April 16th, 2021. The meeting will be free of charge.
## Registration
[Click here to register for this free conference.](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSelmMHZ7Y6QOvp0iSVl9R2ykanOsXpMPpTnGlwR-PXLMOI1xA/viewform?gxids=7628) Registration will be accepted through the Wednesday prior to each Friday meeting. Registrants will be emailed the Zoom link and code on Thursday.
## Schedule
Student talks (undergraduate and graduate) will be in the afternoon on Friday, April 9. Faculty talks will be on both Fridays (April 9 and April 16).
- [**Brief schedule of talks and events**](2021_Spring_annual_meeting_schedule.pdf)
- [**Complete list of abstracts**](2021_Spring_annual_meeting_abstracts.pdf)
## Plenary Speakers
- April 9: [MAA Polya lecturer Charlie Hadlock](https://faculty.bentley.edu/details.asp?uname=chadlock), *Fun with Auctions*
- April 16: [William Dunham](https://www.muhlenberg.edu/academics/mathcs/computerscience/facultystaff/williamdunham/), *The Infinitude of Primes: Euclid, Euler, Erdős*
## Student presentation score sheet
The [student presentation score sheet](https://forms.gle/c3yj8dCikf6scsvR8) is a google form for faculty who attend student presentations and want to help with choosing awards for students.
## Contributed Talks
All talks will be via Zoom, speakers must be able to use Zoom and share their presentation. Talks will be scheduled for Friday afternoon with priority given to scheduling student talks. Given limited times, not all talks will be accepted. Talks may focus on any subject related to mathematics: mathematical scholarship, expository mathematics, or issues related to curriculum or pedagogy in the collegiate classroom. Talks should be 12 minutes in length, including 2 minutes for questions. Your abstract submission must include the talk title, abstract, your name, affiliation, home or office address, phone number, e-mail address, and any equipment needs for your presentation. If you have any questions, please contact Amy Shell-Gellasch.
Student talks (undergraduate and graduate) will be Friday, April 9, and faculty talks will be Friday, April 16 (with some on April 9 depending on the number of student talks). Student talks will be judged and awards presented at the end of the day on April 9.
## Program Committee
Amy Shell-Gellasch, Eastern Michigan University