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Awards Ceremony





[August 19, 2011] IMPORTANT. Schedule of the photo reception has been changed to 4:30pm (to 5:30pm) on Monday, September 12. Please arrive at the Capitol Building no later than 4:15pm.

All other items stay the same.

[August 17, 2011] Here is the final schedule and other useful instructions from the Lieutenant Governor's office.

  • Schedule. The 2011 AMC winners group will be meeting with Lieutenant Governor Brian Calley at 11am (to 12 noon) on Monday, September 19.
    • Please arrive at the Capitol Building no later than 10:40am.
    • Everyone should carry a form of photo identification. Driver's License or student ID will suffice.
    • We will meet in the lobby of the Capitol by the tour desk and someone from the Lt. Governor's office will come to meet us. We will then head up to the Lt. Governor's office by the Senate Chamber.
    • Pictures will be taken in the Senate Chamber.
    • The students will be able to tour the Lt. Governor's office.
    • More information about Michigan State Capitol .

  • Dress code. Business casual or school uniform.

  • Location.
    • Enter "100 South Capitol Avenue, Lansing, MI 48933" at
    • Please use the Main Entrance of Capitol Building.
      There are a couple side doors to the Capitol on the Main (East) entrance -- you can use either of those.

  • Parking. There are parking meters along Capitol Avenue and a parking structure at the corner of Capitol and Allegan on south-east of the Capitol.

  • Photographing. Please bring your own camera.

The Lt. Governor is look forward to meeting everyone!

[August 13, 2011] The Office of Lt. Governor Brian Calley responded to my request last Friday, August 12, 2011.

We are able to accommodate this request.

Monday, September 19th from 11-Noon is the best time. We would be happy to host you on Monday, September 19th in our Lansing office.


Office of Lt. Governor Brian Calley

[August 8, 2011] The Executive Office of Governor Rick Snyder responded to my request sent in July today:

Thank you for inviting Governor Rick Snyder to attend the Michigan AMC winners' photo reception. The Governor appreciates the invitation. However, I regret to inform you that his schedule does not allow for his attendance. We have forwarded the invitation to Lt. Governor Brian Calley's office. His office will follow up if he is able to attend. ...

Thank you again for the invitation and congratulations to this year's winners!

I will keep you posted about any possible progress from the Lt. Governor's office.

We try our best to arrange recognition ceremonies for Michigan award winners of AMC competitions with the Governor each year. The last time we held such an activity was in 2010 with Governor Jennifer Granholm.

I will keep everyone updated on this page about any progress.


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An Activity of the Michigan Section of the Mathematics Association of America

Ada C. Dong, Ph.D.   AMC Coordinator of MAA-Michigan Last updated on $Date: 2011/08/19 19:58:51 $