AMC Michigan Coordinator Contest News (2011 Spring)


The MAA Committee on the American Mathematics Competitions (CAMC) is dedicated to the goal of strengthening the mathematical capabilities of our nation's youth. The CAMC believes that one way to meet this goal is to identify, recognize and reward excellence in mathematics through a series of national contests called the American Mathematics Competitions. What happens before and after the AMC Contests can have lasting educational value. Talents will be enhanced if one practices beforehand, by working through previous examinations, by participating in math leagues and, most importantly, by studying mathematics more intensely than one normally does in school.

The American Mathematics Contest 8 (AMC 8) for students in grades 8 and below is a 25 question, 40 minute multiple choice examination in junior high school (middle school) mathematics designed to promote the development and enhancement of problem solving skills; to demonstrate the broad range of topics available for the junior high school mathematics curriculum; and to promote excitement, enthusiasm and positive attitudes towards mathematics.

The 2010 AMC 8 Exam was taken by 4323 students from 55 schools in Michigan on November 16, 2010. The overall Michigan average score was 8.78, half point lower than last year.

Twelve students in Michigann got the perfect score of 25. Among them, there are one 6th grader and four 7th graders. The 6th grader winner is Mitchel Huang from Teams Inc (Novi). The four 7th grader winners are: Anil Palepu from Novi Middle School (Novi), Safal Bora, Dhruv Medarametla, and Justin Xu from Boulan Park Middle School (Troy). The 8th grader winners are: Alex (Zhuo Qun) Song and Andrew Xu from Detroit Country Day Middle School (Beverly Hills), Daniel Gershenson from Houghton Schools (Houghton), Raghu Arghal from Novi Middle School (Novi), Steven Cheng from Boulan Park Middle School (Troy), and Evan Bao and Michelle Liu from Smith Middle School (Troy).

HMMT 2011

The Harvard-MIT Mathematics Tournament (HMMT) is an annual math tournament for high school students, held at MIT and at Harvard in alternate years. With over 100 teams and 800 participants from around the world, the HMMT is one of the largest math contests held in the United States. It is run exclusively by MIT and Harvard students. Most of them participated in math contests in high school, and they try to incorporate what they liked best about those competitions into HMMT to make the contest both challenging and entertaining for all the participants. The February 2011 competition has been held at MIT on Saturday, February 12, 2011. The Michigan HMMT team, Detroit Country Day and Friends, is coached by Detroit Country Day School (DCDS, Beverly Hills) mathematics teacher and mathematics competition adviser, Mr. Ross Arseneau. The team is sponsored by the DCDS Mathematics Competition Club. The team members are: Siddhant Dogra (DCDS Sophomore), Rolland He (Troy Senior), Heemyung Hwang (Ann Arbor Huron Senior), Randy Jia (DCDS Senior), Soo-Min Kim (Troy High School Senior), Mason Liang (Troy High School Senior), David Lu (DCDS Junior), and Allen Yuan (DCDS Senior). Individually the participants chose two of four subjects (Algebra, Geometry, Combinatorics, and Calculus) for their subject test; among them, Allen Yuan and David Lu ranked 4th and 9th respectively for the Algebra/Combinatorics Subject Test, Mason Liang and Randy Jia ranked 15th and 17th respectively for the Algebra/Geometry Subject Test, and Soo-Min Kim ranked 15th for the Geometry/Combinatorics Subject Test. The DCDS and Friends team finished 13th overall in the combined Sweepstakes, with a team ranking of 5th on the subject test team aggregate, 19th in Guts, and 19th on the Team Test.
Ada C. Dong, Ph.D.   AMC Coordinator of MAA-Michigan Last updated on $Date: 2011/10/20 12:37:53 $