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Michigan Coordinator
American Mathematics Competitions
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Awards Ceremony




Direction and Parking

East Hall is about 50 meters north of the northwest corner of the intersection of Church Street and South University Avenue in the central campus. The department of Mathematics occupies the south wing of the E-shaped building.

Our designated event parking location is the Forest Parking Structure one block south across Church Street from East Hall (on the corner of Willard and Forest).

The directions to and maps of East Hall and the Forest Parking Structure can be found here. Check "Directions to Central Campus" and "Central Campus" for more details.

One way to get there is to follow US-23 to Exit 37 onto Washtenaw Avenue. When you reach the big blue direction sign on the left hand side of the road saying "Central Campus", turn left onto Geddes (North University Avenue). Turn left again at the first stop sign onto Church street. The parking structure is on your left, and East Hall is on your right. Make sure to go to the south wing of East Hall, which says "Department of Mathematics" on its glass door.


Awards Ceremony
will be held at University of Michigan on September 18th

Brian Conrad
Professor of Mathematics, University of Michigan

- Program

- Booklet

- Direction and Parking

Other Sponsors

Department of Mathematics,
University of Michigan

Wolfram Research

Art of Problem Solving

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An Activity of the Michigan Section of the Mathematics Association of America

Ada C. Dong, Ph.D.   AMC Coordinator of MAA-Michigan Last updated on $Date: 2007/08/17 18:52:02 $