Read the section officers' and representative's reports, read about upcoming section events, ways you can be involved in the MAA Michigan Section, a call for teaching and service award nominations, news reports from departments across the state, and much more in the Fall 2024 newsletter, or browse the newsletter archive.
Congratulations to Michele Intermont (Kalamazoo College) for winning the Michigan MAA Distinguished Service Award, to Victor Piercey (Ferris State University) for receiving the Michigan MAA Distinguished Teaching Award, and to Justin Sciullo (Grand Valley State University) for receiving the Ron Mosier Memorial Award for Student Presentations!
Due to the termination of MMPC, the MAA advised us to revise our bylaws. An ad hoc committee was formed last year to propose a revised bylaws that reflected the needs of the section and incorporated required bylaws changes mandated by the MAA. That work is now complete, the Executive committee has approved the new bylaws, as has the MAA, and in Spring 2023 the members of the Michigan MAA section voted to approve these new bylaws.
The Michigan MAA supports Black Lives Matter and dismantling systems of racism and oppression. The Michigan MAA Statement on Black Lives affirms our support of the broader movement to end racial injustice and suggests ways that Michigan MAA members can foster justice and equity within their mathematical communities. This statement offers suggestions for making classrooms inclusive and equitable, learning about race and ethnicity in mathematics, and supporting organizations dedicated to racial justice and equity within the mathematics community.
The annual section meeting will be held at Lake Superior State University in Spring 2025. It is tentatively scheduled for Friday-Saturday, April 4-5, 2025 (definitely Saturday and we're determining whether Friday-Saturday or Saturday-Sunday would work better).
The annual MichMATYC Conference at Jackson College in Jackson, Michigan is September 29-30, 2023. It features a pre-conference workshop Interdisciplinary Collaboration Strategies for Curricular Reform facilitated by Michigan MAA Congress Representative Victor Piercey.