Call For Abstracts: General Contributed Paper and Poster Sessions

Call For Abstracts: General Contributed Paper and Poster Sessions

The Metropolitan New York Section of the MAA is soliciting abstracts for the Contributed Paper and Poster Sessions of its 2017 Annual Meeting to be held on Saturday, April 29, 2017, at Hostos Community College, Bronx, New York.  All interested professionals and students are encouraged to submit an abstract.  The Contributed Paper Sessions will feature presentations on both mathematics education and mathematical research. There will also be a Poster Session at our meeting.

College and high school students are especially encouraged to submit an abstract discussing their experience with mathematical research.  Student presenters will have their meeting registration and luncheon fees waived. Teachers, please encourage your students to present!

Paper presentations will be fifteen minutes in duration followed by a three minute question and answer period. All presenters will be recognized in the final program of the Annual Meeting.

All proposals should include the following elements:

1.  Title
2.  Abstract not to exceed 400 words
3.  Presentation Summary not to exceed 80 words (for publication in the Annual Meeting program)
4.  Category of presenter (student or nonstudent)
5.  Name(s) of author(s) and presenter(s) with institution(s) (if any)
6.  E-mail address(es)
7.  Special equipment needs (if any)
8.  Presentation preference (paper or poster)
9.  (For high school and college student presenters) Name/e-mail address of mathematics teacher or advisor

Prepare your proposal as a single file, either in MS Word format or in plain text.  For file name, use "firstname_lastname_abstract" followed by ".doc" or ".txt".  Please submit proposals electronically as an attachment to Ida Klikovac at the following e-mail address: and use "MAA MetroNY 2017 meeting abstract" as the subject line. Proposals received by Monday, April 11, will receive full consideration.  A committee of reviewers will examine all abstracts, and the outcome of their deliberations will be announced by about April 21.

For additional information regarding the Contributed Paper and Poster Sessions of the 2017 Annual Meeting, please contact Ida Klikovac at the e-mail address listed above.