Kentucky Section Newsletter

Winter Issue -- January, 1996

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From the Chair

March Murray Meeting Madness

Our annual meeting will be March 29-30, at Murray State University. The word "madness" is alliterative, not necessarily literal, but John Oppelt is putting together a lively program; see his column for details. Encourage your colleagues and your students to attend. In 1997, we will meet at Western Kentucky University. If your department would be willing (happy? eager?) to host a later meeting, please let me know.

Teaching Award

Our Teaching Award Selection Committee members (Sandy Spears--chair, Mary Fleming, Phil McCartney, Carroll Wells and Wiley Williams) have been hard at work, and should have concluded their deliberations by the time you read this.


The Nominating Committee (John Mack, Jackie Moss and David Shannon) did their job efficiently and admirably; I am sure that either of their nominees will make a fine Governor. Your mail ballots should arrive soon from the national office.

Webbed Feat?

Lyn Miller (WKU) is leading efforts to create a KYMAA Home Page on the World Wide Web. Contact her ( with comments, suggestions or offers to help. In the meantime, you can check out the even dozen MAA Sections who already have home pages, by browsing "MAA Online" (

Math Horizons

Math Horizons is an MAA magazine for undergraduates and others interested in mathematics. It can spark an interest that may otherwise lay dormant. Encourage your department to subscribe. Ask your Dean to pay for it. Call 1-800-331-1622 or e-mail:


The Executive Committee decided in 1993 to solicit editorials and other submissions from our members. This serves as fair warning: unless others send in guest editorials (and perhaps even if they do), I will feel compelled to write more editorials myself!!

Barry Brunson

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The fourth annual Math/Science Conclave of PRISM (Partnership for Reform Initiatives in Science and Mathematics) will occur March 1-2 in Louisville. The theme is incorporating "the best practices for science/mathematics learning in the very fabric of...undergraduate experiences." For further information, contact Gary Boggess, Dean of the College of Science at Murray ( Unfortunately, on exactly the same days, KYMATYC will hold its annual meeting in Shakertown. For KYMATYC information, contact David C. Buck at Elizabethtown Community College ( Given the conflict, we must view it as a wealth of opportunities. You should go somewhere that weekend!!

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The foundation of a great meeting is in place. The Polya Lecture will be delivered by Robert Osserman on Saturday. Professor Osserman is the Mellon Professor of Interdisciplinary Studies at Stanford and is the past chair of their Mathematics Department. Both a Fulbright Scholar and Guggenheim Fellow, his research is in complex variables, minimal and Riemann surfaces and Riemannian geometry.

The Friday evening lecture will be given by Professor Roger Horn of the University of Utah. Presently the editor of the Monthly, he has authored a text with Charles Johnson entitled Matrix Analysis.

The Friday workshop will be built around cooperative learning groups, constructive learning and the use of technology in the areas of calculus and discrete mathematics.

Musical entertainment will be provided Friday evening in the lovely setting of the Murray State student center.

The rest is up to you. Hence, a call for papers. There will be sessions for contributed papers (20 minutes in length) on Friday afternoon and Saturday morning. New insights, concepts, ideas for courses, teaching approaches or theorems are all possibilities for you to come and share.

You can mail, e-mail or fax the form on the facing page.

John Oppelt

[Go to Abstract Form] [Return to Table of Contents] [Go/return to Schedule of Meetings]


March 29-30, 1996
Murray State University, Murray






Title of Presentation_______________________________________

Time Preference (    ) Fri. afternoon(    ) Sat. morning(    ) no preference

I am:(    ) faculty (    ) student

Avoid conflict with short course?(    )   Yes(    )   No

Abstract of talk:

This form must be received by Monday, February 12, 1996. Submit to: John A. Oppelt, Department of Mathematics, Bellarmine College, Newburg Road, Louisville, KY 40205. Fax: (502) 452-8038. E-mail:

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I have just returned from the Joint Meetings in Orlando, which are still continuing as I write. Of course, the main topic of conversation was the weather. With so many airports closed, many of the Washington staff were not able to get to Orlando in time for the Board of Governors meeting. Fortunately, the printed agenda contained many of their reports and I will share some of these items with you.

There has been significant restructuring in the operations at MAA headquarters. Many of the routine clerical functions such as membership and publication fulfillment have been transferred to PMDS, a company which specializes in those services. Many of these will be delivered electronically. It is hard to imagine how quickly things have changed. The MAA gopher was introduced only a few years ago and today not only the gopher but World Wide Web page use has grown so quickly that a search is underway for an editor of "MAA Online"--our electronic information service. In a related matter, Jon Scott, one of the visiting mathematicians at MAA headquarters, iscurrently working with the Committee on Professional Development to support the development of courses which could be taught over theWorld Wide Web. Planning is underway for four such courses:

-- Learning about Learning and Teaching (a course intended for graduate students);

-- Integrating Applications into Undergraduate Instruction;

-- Teaching Developmental Mathematics;

-- Using Cooperative Learning.

Work on improving the communication with mathematics departments across the country is continuing with the Department Liaison Program. This promises to really improve the old department reps program and I hope all department chairs have sent in the name of a faculty member who is willing to do this job.

Finally, even though the AMS has decided to discontinue summer meetings, the MAA plans to continue the practice. It was the feeling that they are important opportunities, especially for student programs and faculty development. Every effort will be made to make them financially sound.

Since my term will end in June, this was my last official Board meeting. As one of my final duties, I presented the final report of the Task Force on Board Effectiveness. I had served as Vice-Chair of this committee, which was charged with the duty of offering recommendations to improve the workings of the Board. Our intention was to assist all governors, but especially new ones, both in learning their responsibilities and in determining concrete ways in which to carry them out. There were also suggestions for the MAA staff to facilitate the work of the Board. I was also a member of the committee to find a new Secretary to replace Gerald Alexanderson, who will become President after Ken Ross.

As you can see, serving on the Board of Governors has been a very interesting experience and I thank you for the opportunity to have done so.

Christine Shannon

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Murray State University is pleased to host the 1996 Spring Meeting of the KYMAA. Please make plans to attend what promises to be an educational (maybe inspiring!) and enjoyable meeting.

Registration and most of the meeting activities will be in Faculty Hall, which is located on 16th Street. Attendees should park in the lot directly across from Faculty Hall.

Lodging (All of these motels are located 1 to 1.5 miles from campus):

Shoney's Inn			
Hwy. 641 North
(800) 222-2222
(502) 753-5353
$38 - single
$42 - double
(will upgrade to executive rooms as available)

Days Inn				
Hwy. 641 South
(502) 753-6706
(800) 329-7466
$40 - single
$44 - double (2-4 in room)

Racer Inn (formerly Holiday Inn)	
Hwy. 641 South
(502) 753-5986
(800) 808-0036
$40 - single or double
(1-4 in room)
Attendees must make their own reservations. Rates quoted do not include tax and are special meeting rates for our conference, so request "math conference" rates when making reservations.

For students attending the meeting, there are a limited number of "share a room with a Murray State student" accomodations. Students who desire such accomodations should notify Donald Bennett (address below) no later than March 8, and also indicate this on the advanced registration form.

Meals: All meals will be in Banquet Room #1 in the Curris Center.

Friday evening banquet ($10), served buffet-style:
-carved prime rib and baked talapia (fish);
 -creamy potato bake, whole green beans, whole carrots with brown sugar 
-fresh fruit tray and spinach salad with strawberries;
-New York cheesecake and chocolate marble brownie fudge pie.

Saturday breakfast ($4.95):
-cheese omelet, bacon, sausage and biscuits with gravy; 
-muffins, cinnamon rolls and fruit.

Saturday luncheon ($4.50):
-vegetable and broccoli soups;
-chicken salad croissant sandwich and club sandwich;
-strawberry cake and chocolate pie.

Tickets will be issued for all meals, so it is necessary to make meal reservations and pay in advance with your meeting registration.

Attendees having special needs or problems should contact:
Donald Bennett
Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics
Murray State University
Murray, KY  42071
(502) 753-2311
[Return to Table of Contents] [Go/return to Schedule of Meetings]


Several campuses submitted reports after the Fall Issue went to press. Here's what up with more of your colleagues across the state:

Berea College -- Joining the faculty is James Lynch--Assistant Professor-- M.A., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Judy Rector has received tenure. Ralph Stinebrickner is acting chair of the Mathematics Department, as former chair Steve Boyce is now acting Academic Vice President and Dean of the College.

We note the passing of G. Gilbert Roberts, a member of the Berea faculty for 46 years. Mr. Roberts also served as Visiting Professor of Mathematics at Morehead State University and Appalachian State University, and taught Celestial Navigation for the Navy V-12 unit at Berea during World War II. [Reported by Jim Strand--]

Eastern Kentucky University -- There are four new faculty members this year. Kenneth Nelson--Assistant Professor--Ph.D., University of California, Santa Barbara, studies attractors of dissipative wave equations. Ferija Tahir--Assistant Professor--Ph.D. candidate, University of Wisconsin- Madison, is interested in self similar viscous waves. Raymond Tennant-- Assistant Professor--Ph.D.--State University of New York, Albany, wrote the dissertation "Relation Space Groups and Swap Equivalence of Presentations." Margaret Yoder--Assistant Professor--Ph.D., University of South Florida, recently completed her dissertation, "Applying Term Rewriting to the Knot Problem."

Kirk Jones, Chongkye Ree, Eugene Styer and Ka-Wing Wong have recieved tenure. Ka-Wing Wong also was promoted from Assistant to Associate Professor.

Amy King has published "Mathematical Competency: An Essential Skill for Function in Society." This article appears in Education for the 21st Century- -Key Issues, Kendall/Hunt Publishing, 1995. Pat Costello took nine students to the KME national convention in Durango, Colorado this past April. [Reported by Paul and Pat Costello]

Lexington Community College -- Cindy Barber, Lynn Molloy and Sally Groleau have been promoted to Associate Professor with tenure. Larry Mullins and Vicki Partin have been promoted to Assistant Professor. Peggy Payne has retired after five years of service to LCC.

There are two reform projects involving mathematics at LCC: Collaborative Intermediate Algebra (CIA), a project modelled after the MathExcel program at UK, involves Paul Blankenship, Ana Leon and Vicki Partin. The curriculum portion of the NKATE project, a UKCCS-wide program, involves Rebecca Isaac, Lynn Molloy and Lillie Crowley. [Reported by Lillie]

Spalding University -- Scott Bagley--Ph.D., Texas A&M, joined the faculty last year. [Reported by Larry Lewis]

University of Kentucky -- Joining the faculty at the rank of Assistant Professor are Vassily Gorbounov, a topologist coming from Northwestern, and Zhongwei Shen, who comes from Purdue and is interested in partial differential equations. Karen Pinney Mortensen and Zhaojun Bai have been promoted to the rank of Associate Professor. Sue Foege, one of the department's teaching assistants, has received the Chancellor's Award for Teaching.

Paul Eakin, Carl Eberhart, Ken Kubota and Jim Wells received renewal of an NSF grant to coordinate computer use in a nine school consortium, including Cumberland, Eastern Kentucky University, Northern Kentucky University, Transylvania, and UK. Paul Eakin and Carl Eberhart are also active in promoting computer learning in otherareas, including widespread use of Maple in calculus and cooperative efforts with community colleges. Mike Freeman continues to direct the MathExcel program which serves talented students from rural or minority backgrounds. With Freeman's help, the program is being extended to similar programs in Chemistry and Physics.

The Mathematics Department Web site has the following URL: [Reported by Don Coleman--]

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All student members of the MAA (and other math students) are invited to attend and participate in the KY section annual MAA meeting on March 29- 30 at Murray State University.

We are planning on having sessions for student talks on both Friday afternoon and Saturday morning. Any student who gives a talk this meeting will receive free membership in the MAA for the next year. Topics may range from a senior independent study project to a team project in your modeling class; from a summer job as an actuarial assistant to a semester abroad in the Budapest mathematics program. Come share your mathematical experiences with other students.

A free pizza dinner will be provided on Friday evening. Limited free housing can be arranged in student dorms to keep costs to a minimum (see local arrangements announcement elsewhere in this newsletter); you may need to bring a sleeping bag.

Start planning now with other math students at your school to join us for what promises to be a fun-filled weekend of math talks and new friends. Make your reservations now, using the form which appears on the reverse of this page.

John Wilson

Student Chapters Coordinator

[Go to Student Registration Form] [Return to Table of Contents] [Go/return to Schedule of Meetings]


March 29-30, 1996
Murray State University, Murray



Classification (circle one): Fr So Jr Sr

Check all that apply.

1.  Count on me for the free pizza dinner Friday evening.  ___

2.  I would like a place to sleep in the dorm, if available.  I will bring a
sleeping bag.____

3.  I will attend the MAA breakfast on Saturday morning, and am 
enclosing $4.95 payable to the KY Section MAA.____

4.  I will attend the MAA business lunch on Saturday afternoon, and
am enclosing $4.50 payable to the KY Section MAA.____

5.  I will give a talk in the student sessions.____
If you wish to give a talk at the meeting, please indicate this by submitting the Presentation Abstract Form as well. Please note that the abstract form is to be received by John Oppelt at Bellarmine by February 12.

Mail this form to John Wilson, Centre College, 600 W. Walnut St., Danville, KY 40422. It must be submitted by Friday, March 15, 1996.

[Go to Presentation Abstract Form] [Return to Table of Contents] [Go/return to Schedule of Meetings]


March 29-30, 1996
Murray State University, Murray






Check all that apply.

____1.  Conference Registration/Dues  $13.00		

____2.  Short Course  (Friday afternoon)  No Charge
____3.  Friday Banquet  $10.00

____4.  Friday Invited Address  No Charge

____5.  Aftermath  (Friday evening)  No Charge

____6.  Saturday Breakfast  $4.95

____7.  Saturday Invited Address  No Charge

____8.  Saturday Business Luncheon  $4.50

TOTAL ENCLOSED $__________
The deadline for submitting this form is Friday, March 15, 1996. Make checks payable to KY Section -- MAA and remit to: Karin Chess, Department of Mathematics, Owensboro Community College, 4800 New Hartford Road, Owensboro, KY 42303.

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Christine Shannon				
600 West Walnut St.			
Centre College				
Danville, KY  40422			
(606) 238-5406			

Barry Brunson
Department of Mathematics
Western Kentucky University
Bowling Green, KY  42101
(502) 745-6221

Chair Elect				
John A. Oppelt				
Department of Mathematics			
Bellarmine College				
Newburg Road				
Louisville, KY  40205-0671			
(502) 452-8237			

David K. Neal
Department of Mathematics
Western Kentucky University
Bowling Green, KY  42101
(502) 745-6213

Karin Chess				
Department of Mathematics			
Owensboro Community College		
4800 New Hartford Road			
Owensboro, KY  42303			
(502) 686-4473			

Newsletter Editor
William Harris
Dept. of Math, Physics & Comp. Sci.
Georgetown College  Box 234
400 E. College St.
Georgetown, KY  40324
(502) 863-7921

AHSME Coordinator 			
David Shannon				
Department of Mathematics			
Transylvania University			
Lexington, KY  40508-1797			
(606) 233-8185			

Student Chapters Coordinator
John Wilson
600 West Walnut St.
Centre College
Danville, KY  40422
(606) 238-5409

1996 Meeting Coordinator
Donald  Bennett
Murray State University
Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics
Murray, KY  42071
(502) 762-2311
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This page is maintained by Dr. J. Lyn Miller, assistant professor of mathematics at Western Kentucky University. Contact me at with any comments, suggestions, or questions regarding this Web Page. Last update March 29, 1998.