Program for the 2003 Annual Meeting

Bellarmine University, Louisville

April 4 - 5, 2003

Note: All times are EST and F= Faculty, G = Graduate Student, U = Undergraduate Student.

There is an MSWord version of the program available at: 2003 Meeting Progam.
There is an MSWord version of the Abstracts for these talks at: 2003 Meeting Abstracts.

Thursday, April 3

7:00 PM Bullitt Lecture in Mathematics: A New Primal Screen
by Carl Pomerance of Bell Laboratories
Middleton Auditorium, Strickler Hall 101, University of Louisville

Friday, April 4

12:00 – 3:00 KEMTP Advisory Board Horrigan Hall 126 (Fireplace Room)
2:00 – 5:30 Registration Horrigan Hall first floor lobby
2:00 – 5:30 Book Exhibit Horrigan Hall 109
2:00 – 5:00 Refreshments Horrigan Hall 109
3:00 – 5:00 Short Course Pasteur Hall 102 (Science Theatre)
"Fibonacci Numbers and Catalan Numbers"
Ralph Grimaldi, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology

Professor Grimaldi is a well-known researcher in combinatorics and he has presented very popular workshops on these topics at the national MAA meetings. The short course will be in two independent parts, so feel free to come late!

3:00 – 3:20 Contributed Papers
  • "Inverse Matrix Formula Perspicuously Derived" James Barksdale, Western Kentucky University (f) Horrigan Hall 102
  • "Box Me Up and Send Me Home - Energy Distribution via Cardboard Boxes" Skyler Speakman, Corey Winton & Jim Lewis, Asbury College (u) Horrigan Hall 103
  • "Introducing NetLim" Bill Hardin, Bellarmine University (f) Horrigan Hall 104
3:30 – 3:50 Contributed Papers
  • "Scaling Functions and Wavelets" Bruce Kessler, Western Kentucky University (f) Horrigan Hall 102
  • "The Big Loser" Jeremy Kidd, Morehead State University (u) Horrigan Hall 103
  • "Predicting Orbits of Near Earth Objects" David Roach, Murray State University (f) Horrigan Hall 104
4:00 – 4:20 Contributed Papers
  • "High School Students' Conceptions of Correlation" Kristin Thompson, Morehead State University (f) Horrigan Hall 102
  • "Investing on the Efficiency Frontier: Where is Georgetown College?" Lyn Crunk, Georgetown College (u) Horrigan Hall 103
4:30 – 4:50 Contributed Papers
  • "The Islamic Connection" John Sasser, Midway College (f) Horrigan Hall 102
  • "What Would My Dear Aunt Sally Say?" Andy Martin, University of Kentucky (f) Horrigan Hall 103
  • "CUPM New Guidelines" Dora Ahmadi, Morehead State University (f) Horrigan Hall 104
5:00 – 5:20 Contributed Papers
  • "Taylor's Theorem for Functions of Several Variables" Mark Robinson, Western Kentucky University (f) Horrigan Hall 102
  • "The Mathematics of Handling Airport Traffic Flow" Jeff Thornton & Nathan Beaven, Bellarmine University (u) Horrigan Hall 103
  • "Expectation in a Bottle-Cap Game" Russell May, Morehead State University (f) Horrigan Hall 104
  • "The Four Color Problem" Ryan Clark, Murray State University (u) Horrigan Hall 105
5:30 – 5:50 Contributed Papers
  • "Functions via Spreadsheets: Activities for Math for Elementary Teachers" Margaret Yoder, Eastern Kentucky University (f) Horrigan Hall 102
  • "A New Matrix Version of RSA … But is it as Secure?" Holly Clark, Murray State University (u) Horrigan Hall 103
  • "Winning Strategies for Traffic Lights and Beer Square" Doug Chatham, Morehead State University (f) Horrigan Hall 104
  • "Distributive Lattices and Representations of rank two simple Lie algebras" Wyatt Alverson, Murray State University (u) Horrigan Hall 105
6:00 – 7:30 Student Pizza Party Horrigan Hall 126 (Fireplace Room)
6:00 – 7:30 Banquet Horrigan Hall 125 (Multipurpose Room)
All meal reservations must be made and paid by March 20th.
7:30 – 8:30 Invited Address: Wyatt Hall, Cralle Theatre
"Calculus Renewal: A national study of impact after ten years"
Susan Ganter, Clemson University

Professor Ganter is the lead author of the recent book Changing Calculus from the MAA. She has extensive experience with evaluation studies, including a residency at the National Science Foundation.

8:30 - ??? Aftermath Wyatt Hall Lobby

Saturday, April 5

7:45 – 10:00 Registration Horrigan Hall first floor lobby
7:45 – 11:00 Refreshments Horrigan Hall 109
8:00 – 11:20 Book Exhibits Horrigan Hall 109
8:00 – 8:20 Contributed Papers
  • "How to run a high school mathematics contest (and why you should do it)" Wayne Tarrant, Western Kentucky University (f) Horrigan Hall 102
  • "Sphere Packing in Three Dimensions" David Stoltzfus, Dan Zimmerman & Joel Kilty, Asbury College (u) Horrigan Hall 103
  • "Investigating the normality assumption in the sampling distribution for proportion" Lloyd Jaisingh, Morehead State University (f) Horrigan Hall 104
  • "Quasi- [p,q]- groups? What on earth are those?" Ben Harwood, Northern Kentucky University (u) Horrigan Hall 105
8:30 – 8:50 Contributed Papers
  • "Subset Take-away on Graphs" Robert Riehemann, Northern Kentucky University (f) Horrigan Hall 102
  • "On an equation characterizing polynomials of degree three" Prasanna Sahoo, University of Louisville (f) Horrigan Hall 103
  • "Heaviside Operators on Quantum Phase Space" Valentino Simpao, Mathematical Consultant Services Horrigan Hall 104
  • "Representing Numbers with Infinite Nested Radicals" Jamie Johnson, Western Kentucky University (g) Horrigan Hall 105
9:00 – 9:45 2002 Distinguished Teaching Award Address Wyatt Hall, Cralle Theatre
"The Opportunity to Teach"
John Wilson, Centre College

Professor Wilson is known to many of us through his active participation in both the sectional and national MAA meetings. Professor Wilson is the recipient of the Kentucky Section's 2002 Distinguished Teaching Award.

9:45 – 10:15 Break
10:15 – 10:35 Contributed Papers
  • "Robert J. Walker and the problem of resolution of singularities" Chris Christensen, Northern Kentucky University (f) Horrigan Hall 102
  • "Tricky Triangles: Patterns in Pythagorean Triples" Jason Harrington & Isaac Obermann, Western Kentucky University (u) Horrigan Hall 103
  • "Undergraduate Research Projects using Data Mining Techniques" Patricia Cerrito, University of Louisville (f) Horrigan Hall 104
  • "The Flag f-vector and cd-index of a Polytope" Matthew Menzel, University of Kentucky (g) Horrigan Hall 105
10:45 – 11:05 Contributed Papers
  • "Relations and Systems of Sets" Robert Powers, University of Louisville (f) Horrigan Hall 102
  • "On the Cardinality of a Collection of Topologies" Buddy Lagani, Western Kentucky University (u) Horrigan Hall 103
  • "Getting to Know Ramsey" Christopher Schroeder, Morehead State University (f) Horrigan Hall 104
  • "A Friendly Introduction to B-Splines" Richard Robinson, Murray State University (f) Horrigan Hall 105
11:30 – 12:30 Invited Address Wyatt Hall, Cralle Theatre
"Integration: From Cauchy to Riemann to Lebesgue to … Riemann"
Steven Abbott, Middlebury College

Professor Abbott has published in many areas, including operator theory, functional analysis, robotics, and the plays of Tom Stoppard. He is the author of Understanding Analysis, an introductory text from Springer-Verlag.

12:30 – 1:30 Lunch Horrigan Hall 125 (Multipurpose Room)
1:30 – 2:15 Business Meeting Horrigan Hall 125 (Multipurpose Room)
2:30 – 3:30 KYMAA Executive Committee Meeting