Iowa Section of the MAA

Executive Committee Meeting

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Simpson College



Jon White (Chair), TJ Hitchman (Past Chair), Russ Goodman (Vice-Chair), Scott Searcy (Treasurer), Ruth Berger (Competition Coordinator), Joel Haack (Governor), Deb Czarneski (Vice-Chair Elect), Matt Rissler (Liaison Coordinator), Brian Birgen (ViceChair Elect Candidate), Ivars Peterson (MAA Representative), Ron Smith (Secretary).


Congratulations to Amanda Matson (Information Officer), who was not present due to the birth of her new baby.


Jon White called the meeting to order at 7:10.


1.     Minutes of the 2011 Executive Committee meeting were approved as printed.

2.     Welcome to the visitors: Vice-Chair Elect candidate Brian Birgen, and to MAA representative Ivars Peterson.

3.     There is a need to facilitate the migration of at least some portion of the Iowa MAA web site. Current webmaster Al Hibbard, says it is time for that to take place. The national MAA wants to host all the section sites so that there will be uniformity of look and feel.  Some functionality and convenience may be lost.  The consensus is to charge Al to assess what can migrate, and look into arrangements for what needs to stay in house.

Jon White moved that we ask the section to charge Al Hibbard with assessing the possibilities, and taking action to maintain our web presence.  Approval was unanimous.

4.     There was a discussion about how to best handle money sent from the national MAA to fund a representative at the MathFest Section Officer's meeting. Scott Searcy asked that the business meeting authorize the expenditure of the funds.  The discussion turned to who would go as the representative of the Iowa Section officers.

Russell Goodman was designated by acclamation to represent the Iowa section officers at MathFest 2013.

5.     Scott Searcy moved that Brian Birgen be designated to represent  the Iowa Section at the  Joint Meeting officer's meeting.  The motion was seconded and passed unanimously. 

It was suggested that we should amend our bylaws to allow the Section to use its resources to support officers attending meetings.  The consensus of the conversation seemed to be something like the following:  An officer or designee will be appointed to represent the Section at the officer's meeting,  and the Section will provide the registration fee.  No official action was taken.

6.     The Missouri Valley Sections (Iowa, Missouri, Kansas, and Nebraska) will meet together in  Maryville, Missouri, April 19-20, 2013  TJ Hitchman read emails from the planning committee. They would like a primary program person designated by our section officers to help provide suggestions for program elements and budget ideas, etc.

TJ Hitchman is deputized to remain in communication with the Missouri Valley Combined Section meeting and continue with the details.

7.     Ruth Berger reported on the recent Iowa Mathematics Competition and asked for input on possible dates in late February or early March.

8.     Ivars Peterson addressed the group.  He expressed his pleasure at being invited here, and encouraged us to visit the Washington, D.C. headquarters of the MAA if we ever have a chance.  He said that there were many changes in personnel there. Michael Pearson is the new executive director. They are currently looking for a director of meetings, a membership director, and someone to manage section book sales. Peterson encouraged us to check the MAA directory to see the latest list if we wish to communicate with the national office. The national officers have expressed concerns about budget deficits and declining membership. They are looking for ways to increase revenues.  Peterson announced the 2013 Joint Meetings in San Diego  and Mathfest in Hartford, CT. He said that book sales have been hit hard by difficulties with sales tax.  Some of the ideas to reverse this trend include setting up and on-line ordering system, and producing a powerpoint document introducing new books at the Section meetings. The theme in 2013 will be "Mathematics of Planet Earth" (MPE).  The speakers will be talking on this theme, and  curriculum modules on this theme will be introduced shortly. 2013 has also been designated the year of Statistics. 2015  is the MAA Centennial, and 2016 is the Iowa Section Centennial. 

9.     TJ Hitchman is to take the banner to Missouri and is responsible for bringing it back.

10. Joel Haack gave a brief Governor's report due to the late hour.  He said he will post the powerpoint slides on the website. It was mentioned that Des Moines conference and visitor's center personnel are talking with MAA about the possibility of having MathFest in Des Moines.

11. Meeting adjourned at 8:21 a.m.


Respectfully submitted,

Ronald K. Smith

IA MAA Section Secretary