Iowa Section of the MAA

Section Business Meeting

Saturday, April 17, 2004

Central College


Joel Haack (Chair, University of Northern Iowa) led the meeting.


1.      Richard Thompson (University of Arizona) gave a brief introduction to the Mathematics for Business Decisions Workshop that he is leading from 1:45-4:15pm later in the day.

2.      Ballots for Chair-Elect were distributed to members of the Section.  Jim Freeman (Governor-elect) counted them.

3.      Wendy Weber (Secretary-Treasurer) presented the Treasurer’s Report on Section and Competition Funds. 

a.       The Section Fund is currently $4166.80 and the Competition Fund is $143.33. 

b.      Weber reminded members of the generous offer of Steve Willson (Iowa State University) to match up to $5,000 in donations to the Competition Fund in order to continue the Competition. 

c.       Members of the Section were informed that the registration fee for the Meeting would be raised to $10.00 beginning next year.  

d.      Members were also informed that there would be a $5.00 registration fee for each team in the Competition. 

e.       A.M. Fink reminded the Section that at last year’s Business Meeting the Section voted to annually transfer $200.00 from the Section Fund to the Competition Fund.  Weber will immediately rectify this oversight by transferring money for both 2003 and 2004.

4.      Ruth Berger (Governor) presented the Governor’s report.  Jim Freeman was elected Governor and will begin his term in July 2004.  Berger presented awards to Joel Haack (University of Northern Iowa) and Catherine Gorini (Maharishi University of Management) for 25 years of membership in the MAA and to Jerold Mathews for 50 years of membership in the MAA.

5.      Frank Farris (Santa Clara University, Editor of Mathematics Magazine) presented information from the MAA.  See his power point presentation for details.

6.      Haack presented the Section Teaching Award to Murphy Waggoner (Simpson College).

7.      Waggoner informed Section members about the Midwest Undergraduate Mathematics Symposium (MUMS) hosted by Simpson College on March 27, 2004.  This was an opportunity for undergraduates to share and celebrate the work they have done independently (research, independent projects, modeling contest solutions, etc) and for faculty to share programs or ways they provide opportunities for students to do independent work.  The second MUMS will be held in spring 2005.

8.      Haack announced the results of the election for Chair-Elect:  Mariah Birgen (Wartburg College).

9.      Haack opened a discussion on when the Competition should be held.  Suggestions from members of the Section included having the exam at each institution (before the spring Meeting) and then presenting awards at the Spring Meeting; having the exam in late fall (students practicing for the Putnam Exam could participate in our Competition); having the competition move around the state or be located at a few institutions.  Haack encouraged members to contact Ruth Berger (Competition Chair) with more suggestions.

10.  Members were informed of a few Bylaw proposed changes.  Members will receive complete motions in the fall newsletter.

a.       Article III, Section 6:  “chairman” to “chair” and “he” to the appropriate title.  Cal Van Niewaal mentioned that these changes might have been made but perhaps not filed with the National Office.  Weber will determine if this has been done.

b.      Adding the Newsletter Editor to the Section Officers.  The term length may be similar to that of the Secretary-Treasurer: no more than two consecutive three-year terms.

11.  Haack announced the grant written by David Manderscheid (University of Iowa) to support graduate student travel to Section Meetings.  This year there were no graduate student applications suggesting that the costs associated with attending a Meeting is not the only reason graduate students do not participate.

12.  Al Hibbard (Chair-Elect, Central College) reminded members to update their information on the Section’s web page. 

13.  Haack thanked Ruth Berger for her service as Governor for the last three years; Al Hibbard and Central College for hosting the Section Meeting this year; and everyone that helped him perform his duties as Chair this past year.

14.  Haack announced that Mark Mills (Central College) will continue as Newsletter Editor and Cal Van Niewaal (Coe College) will continue as Liaison Coordinator.  Both positions are three years.

15.  Introduction of new faculty in the Iowa Section:  Rob Forsythe (Morningside College), Jon White (Coe College), and Chris French (Grinnell College).

16.  Hibbard gave ideas on where to eat lunch.

17.  Weber announced the book display area would reopen at 1:00pm.

18.  Haack called the meeting to a close.


Respectfully submitted,

Wendy Weber

Iowa Section Secretary-Treasurer