2:00 On the Use of Computer Algebra Syntax in
the Calculus Classroom
Central College
In this talk, the idea of using computer algebra syntax in a calculus course will be presented. The presenter believes that students, to a certain degree, can become acquainted with CAS conventions and syntax before ever sitting down and wrestling with such software. Moreover, this intentional syntactical use might lead to better student understanding of the composition of functions, and thus better understanding of the concepts of the Chain Rule (for derivatives) and the Substitution Method (for antiderivatives). The presenter will show some sample assignments as well as discuss the pros and cons of such an idea. There will be time for general discussion of this notion both during the presentation time, and hopefully afterwards for any interested parties.
2:30 Using the Pivot Package in Linear Algebra
and Finite Mathematics
Al Hibbard, Central College
After seeing my students in Finite Mathematics struggle with doing the pivot calculations inherent in the Simplex Method, I wrote a Mathematica package that allows one to simply click on the pivot location. This generalizes to a package that can perform any of the elementary row operations. This session will look at how I use this package in a Finite Mathematics class and how it can be used in other situations. Time permitting, we will take a brief look to see how Mathematica buttons accomplish these tasks.
3:00 The Classical Ramsey Number R(3,3,3,3;2) Is No Greater Than 62
Richard Kramer, Iowa State University
In this paper, we show that R(3,3,3,3) < 62, that is, any edge coloring of the complete graph on 62 vertices with four colors must contain a monochromatic triangle.
3:30* An Elementary Integration Arising in
Joseph C.
Iowa State University
The author has found an exact elementary solution to a certain
integral. This solution agrees closely
with the approximate solution, lacking error limits, that was given by
astronomer Fritz Zwicky, in the Proceedings
of the National Academy of Sciences, 1929.
The integral shows that the cosmological redshift might be due not to
expansion of the universe, but rather, to a gravitational drag on photons.
4:00 What it Took Sylvester 3 Days to Do, I Can
Do in 2
A. M. Fink, Iowa State University
To engineers and other
undergraduates, sin x is a calculator
button. Scratch a mathematics major,
and you might get a bit more; maybe something about opposite over
hypotenuse. Is there a little man
inside your calculator drawing triangles when you push the sin button? I would say that mathematics majors ought to
know something more about what sin x
is. Maybe a complex variables course
can convince them that it has nothing to do with the circular arguments (pun
intended) given in undergraduate calculus texts. So I do all of trigonometry in my advanced analysis course in two
days. It took Sylvester three.
Concurrent Session of
Contributed Papers 2 Wright Hall
2:00 What's
Your Angle? The Role of Definitions in Algebra and Geometry
Cathy Gorini, Maharishi University of Management
Definitions can serve a variety of purposes.
They can describe clearly what we are studying, limit our study to
something manageable, or incorporate conditions that are difficult to establish
by proof. We will look at definitions
of angle and group from a variety of sources to compare the use of definitions
in algebra and geometry.
2:30 Mathematics Without Words: A project to study visual representations of mathematical ideas
M. E. (Murphy)
Waggoner, Simpson College
During the spring of 2002 the students in Mathematics for Elementary School
Teachers participated in a project intended to help them make a stronger
connection between the analytic, verbal, and visual representations of
mathematics. Another goal of this
project was to provide the students with a semester-long problem-solving
opportunity where the results of each phase of the process must be used as
inputs in the next phase. Pairs of
students were responsible for independently learning a topic from the standard
mathematics curriculum for pre-service elementary teachers and then designed a
quilt block that was a visual representation of some aspect of the concept they
studied. The students wrote papers to
explain the connections between the analytic and visual representations. Finally, the students constructed the quilt
blocks they designed from fabric which were then made into a quilt. This paper will describe the goals of the
project, the procedures taken, the topics used, an evaluation by the instructor
and comments from the students, and future plans for similar projects. The quilt designed and sewn by the students
will be displayed.
3:00 The Best Fitting Line
Irvin Roy
Iowa State University
We study the point which is closest to the three sides of a triangle. We also study the line which is closest to
the three vertices of a triangle. The
Lhuilier-Lemoine point is the point which minimizes the distance from the three
lines. We use the Euclidean norm for
the distances.
3:30 The Number of E-ban Numbers:
It Can Go Either Way
Ashbacher, Journal of Recreational Mathematics,
Mount Mercy College
A number is an e-ban number (e-banned) if the English spelling of the number does not contain the letter e. For example, two and six are e-ban numbers, but one, seven, and eight are not. In a paper to be published in the Journal of Recreational Mathematics, J. C. Hernandez, C. Mex-Perera and Simon J. Shepherd prove some theorems about e-ban numbers and end the paper with the question: “Are there an infinite number of e-ban numbers?” That question is examined in this paper as well as some related questions, such as the number of n-ban numbers.
4:00 Orders Of L-Shaped Polyominoes
Charles Jepsen, Grinnell College
We are interested in the problem of tiling a rectangle with copies of a given
polyomino, i.e., a plane figure composed of unit squares placed together along
their edges. The order (resp. odd order)
of a polyomino is the smallest number (resp. odd number) of copies that tile a
rectangle. We say that a polyomino is odd if it has a finite odd order and is even if it has finite order but no
finite odd order. We show that a
certain L-shaped polyomino Ln is even if n is a multiple of 4 and is
odd otherwise. When Ln is
odd, we find an upper bound on its odd order.
Concurrent Session of
Contributed Papers 3 Wright Hall
2:00 The
Largest Impossible Bet
Ronald K. Smith, Graceland University
A bet of size $n is possible with
chips of size $a and $b if and only if n can be written as a linear combination of a and b with non-negative
coefficients. Otherwise, the bet is
impossible. In case a and b are relatively prime integers, it is well known that if the bet
is large enough, it is always possible.
This leads us to the question, what is the largest impossible bet? We will show that the largest linear
combination of positive integers a
and b that cannot be written with
non-negative coefficients is lcm(a,b) - a
- b.
In the case of positive, relatively prime a and b, this says that
the largest impossible bet is ab - a - b.
2:30 John
Graunt, John Arbuthnott, and the Emergence of Statistics
R. B. Campbell, University of Northern Iowa
This talk will complement the insights in "Observatons upon the Bills of
Mortality" and "An Argument for Divine Providence" with the
errors, thereby presenting a more realistic picture of how statistics became a
3:00 On
the Number of 100 . . . 01 Strings in Certain Bernoulli Trials, and Random
Sunder Sethuraman, Iowa State University
It is well known that the asymptotic joint
distribution of the number of k-cycles
in a random permutation of 1,2, . . . , n
converges, as n tends to infinity, to
independent Poisson factors with intensities 1/k. By making a connection
with the numbers of 100 . . . 01 strings in certain independent Bernoulli
sequences, we give a new proof of this result which allows for some
generalization, and also answers a problem in the literature.
3:30 Periodic point numbers and group structure
- or 'the world's two weirdest primes'
Iowa State University
Consider the space X of doubly infinite sequences g(s,t) where s,t are integers and the
entries are from an abelian group G.
The space X carries two natural shift actions (shift left, shift up), so X is a module over Z2. Let H be a subgroup of Z2 of finite index.
The elements of H are shifts -
some number of steps to the left/right, some number of steps up/down. In analogy to the one-dimensional sequences,
say that a sequence g in X is H-periodic
iff it is invariant under all shifts from H.
Let FH be the number of
those sequences for given H that lie
in the subspace Y of X defined by g(s,t+1) = g(s,t)+g(s+1,t). We ask whether the set of all the numbers FH determines the group G. T Ward (UEA, Norwich, UK) proved that the
answer is yes in most cases, and no counterexample is known. We will explain the easy part of his
argument - the case where |G| is odd
and not divisible by a Wieferich prime.
After presenting these weird primes (only 2 known examples) and time
permitting, we will outline an approach to computing some more of the numbers FH that could settle the
whole problem.
4:00* Mathematica-Aided Propagation Phenomena in Operator Theory
Jasang Yoon, University of Iowa
In joint work with R. Curto, we use symbolic manipulation techniques to prove
that a commuting quadratically hyponormal pair of 2-variable weighted shifts
with consecutive equal weights must be flat.
I will first discuss the proof in the single variable case, based on the
Nested Determinants Test. I will then
use a 6-point weight diagram to discuss the 2-variable case.
4:45 Teacher Certification in Iowa
Joyce Becker, Luther College
University of Northern Iowa
The organizers will lead a discussion of issues concerning teacher certification in mathematics in the state of Iowa.
7:30 I Know it’s True, I Just Can’t Prove it!
There are many situations in which one would like to find the shortest path between various points in a network, for example between two Websites on the Internet. In this talk, we describe one approach to this problem in which optimal routes can be found based just on local information about the network.
10:00 Undergraduate
Programs and Courses in the Mathematical Sciences: A CUPM Curriculum Guide
Herbert E. Kasube, Bradley University and Chair of the MAA
MAA's Committee on the Undergraduate Program in Mathematics (CUPM) has produced
a set of recommendations for mathematics departments approximately once every
ten years since its inception in 1953.
The latest draft of the Curriculum Guide is in its final stages. This presentation will outline the
recommendations and ask for comments.
10:00-1:00 Ruth Berger, Luther College
11:00 MAA
Student Chapters
Cathy Gorini, Maharishi University of Management
This meeting will provide an opportunity for MAA student chapter advisors to
share ideas.
11:00 Cooperation
Among Mathematics Departments in the State
Jim Freeman, Cornell College
This discussion will explore ways that mathematics departments can cooperate
for their mutual benefit and the benefit of the discipline.
Business Meeting, Iowa Section of the MAA Sabin Hall 102
12:00 Steve Nimmo, Morningside College, Chair of the Iowa Section of the MAA
Lunch on your own.
2:00** Searching for (96, 20,4) Difference Sets
Logan Axon, Grinnell Colllege
A description of Summer Research performed by Logan Axon and Nathan Gotman at
Grinnell College under the direction of Professor Emily Moore as a follow up to
a Mt. Holyoke College Research Experience for Undergraduates. Ken Smith's "bootstrap" method of
constructing a difference list, the image of a difference set under a
homomorphism, is used as the basis for the search for new (96, 20, 4)
difference sets. Difference lists are
first constructed from (16, 6, 2) difference sets and then used as the basis
for a computerized search for (96, 20, 4) difference sets. Intersection numbers
and representation theory are applied to constrain the search. Results are a verification of the Mt.
Holyoke REU's results in the group and the discovery of
a set of equivalent difference sets in the group
. Both difference
sets are possibly equivalent to known difference sets in their respective
2:30** (96,20,4)
Difference Sets and Designs
Nathan Gotman, Grinnell College
In this talk, we examine equivalence of (96,20,4) difference sets and
isomorphism of (96,20,4) designs. First, we show that the 120 difference sets
in constructed in the talk "Searching for (96,20,4)
Difference Sets" are all equivalent.
Then, we build designs from all known (96,20,4) difference sets to
synthesize information about all (96,20,4) difference sets as well as all
(96,20,4) designs. Finally, we use the p-rank to help classify all known
(96,20,4) designs.
3:00 Reliable
functions to build phylogenetic trees using minimum evolution
Stephen J. Willson, Iowa State University
Given a set of taxa, the goal is to build a phylogenetic tree which describes
the evolutionary relationship among the taxa.
Suppose that distances d(i,j)
between each pair (i,j) of taxa are given. The method of minimum evolution in principle
looks at every possible tree T with
those taxa as leaves and estimates the total amount of evolution L(T)
along the tree, assuming the distances d. It then selects the tree T for which L(T) is smallest. At issue is the method for estimating L(T). The talk will suggest criteria for formulas
to estimate L(T) so as to increase the reliability of the method.
3:30 Thematization
Of The Calculus Graphing Schema
Laurel Cooley, York College-CUNY
(presenter), Drake University
María Trigueros, ITAM
This article is the result of an investigation of students' conceptualizations
of calculus graphing techniques after they had completed at least two semesters
of calculus. The work and responses of
27 students to a series of questions that solicit information about the
graphical implications of the first derivative, second derivative, continuity,
the value of limits, and the inter-relationships among these concepts was
analyzed from their interviews. A
double triad was developed to describe students' schema as a framework for the
analysis. The study centered on the way
students coordinated the various elements of each question, their strategies
and difficulties. It was found that coordinating
concepts to solve complex problems in a graphical setting is a difficult
process. Only two students were
considered to have thematized the schema.
4:00** Optimal Voting Strategies for The Weakest Link
Amy Winter, Cornell College
The television program, The Weakest Link, is a game show with a winner-take-all format in which players vote to remove potential rivals following each round. The obvious question is whether or not the title of the show indicates the optimal strategy for a player to follow. To make a mathematical model tractable, I consider a game with only three players and replace the time limit with a question limit. I have also chosen a simpler “banking” strategy than the one used on the program. Expected payoffs are calculated as a function of each player’s probability of answering correctly, as well as the order in which players are eliminated. Not surprisingly, the strategy implied by the title of the show is, in many cases, not the optimal one. A qualitative description of the optimal strategy will be given. In addition, suggestions on how to extend the analysis to more than three players will be given.
This spring we are using the COMAP textbooks Developing Mathematics through Applications: Elementary and Developing Mathematics through Applications: Intermediate, published by Key College Publishing, to teach our elementary and intermediate algebra courses. I am just completing the elementary course. In this talk I will share my experiences and give a brief taste of the activities. This integrated approach, in which mathematics is always presented as emerging from and inherent in its applications, makes algebra a natural, relevant part of a student’s life. The wealth of diverse classroom and homework activities—listening, reading, interactive discovery exercises, hands-on geometry and data-collecting activities, small group investigations, team projects, and individual exercises—build a solid, integrated knowledge of algebraic and modeling skills. Also, the diversity of activities keeps the students interested and focused, which is crucial in MUM’s block system, and allows the teacher to cater to a wide range of abilities.
2:30 Infinite
Series for Logarithms using Cyclotomic Polynomials and Aurifeuillian Identities
Grinnell College
The 1997, Bailey, Borwein and Plouffe heralded a new era for the computation of
various transcendental constants. For
formulae such as the alluring
and more generally
where p and
q are integer polynomials, deg p
< deg q, and p(k)/q(k) is non-singular for
non-negative k and b > 2, they showed that the nth digit (base b) of C may be calculated in (essentially) linear time without computing
its preceding digits. Moreover,
constants of this form are conjectured to be either rational or normal to base b.
Perhaps the simplest such formula is the classical
This talk demonstrates such binary formulae
for constants of the form log p for
many primes p. Incorporated in the discusssion are
cyclotomic polynomials and Aurifeuillian identities such as
3:00 Association
Schemes Are Everywhere
Sung-Yell Song, Iowa State University
Association schemes
are essentially partitions of a complete graph into regular subgraphs which are
interrelated in a specific way. They
are fundamental combinatorial objects in algebraic combinatorics, which deserve
to be studied in their own right. As an
important application they provide a uniform framework for coding theory and
design theory. They also have a rich
algebraic flavor related to both “modern algebra” (groups, rings, and modules)
and “post-modern algebra” (ordered sets, monoids, loops, and quasigroups). We will discuss some of the following topics
in conjunction with Association Schemes: Codes, Designs, Geometry, Graphs,
Groups, and Universal Algebra.
3:30 Programming
Buttons in Mathematica (Note:
this session is a workshop; it may run until 4:30 and will meet in Wright Hall
Al Hibbard, Central College
This will be a hands-on session to introduce you to the rudiments of
programming buttons in Mathematica. While no prior Mathematica experience is
essential, some basic knowledge will be useful. This session will start with
simple buttons and address how to assign tasks to them. An example may be to
design a button that types in a common formula or function. We will then learn
to have buttons accomplish more complicated tasks. We will consider an example
of building a calculator to do calculations in a group. Finally, we will learn
how to do notebook manipulations with buttons. An example here is to have a
button find a particular cell in a notebook, read it in, and then create a new
notebook based on the input.
2:00 Trisecting
an Angle
Phil Wood, Baxter, Iowa
You already know that this
cannot be done and I do not. You should
come see what I have to say on this subject and other related subjects.
2:30 An
information-theoretic approach to demography.
Jonathan D. H. Smith, Iowa State University
Human demography provides an analysis of census information for a country,
aiming to predict the future growth and development of the population. Traditionally, it has relied on a mass of
detailed data involving survival and birth rates for various age groups,
entered into a matrix known as the projection
or Leslie matrix. A new, information-theory based approach
reduces a description of the intensive state of a typical population to five
key macroscopic parameters, much as the ideal gas model in physics replaces
detailed knowledge of individual molecules with global variables such as
temperature. Tracking the kinematics of
the five-dimensional parameter vector leads to effective predictions about the
future state of the population.
3:00** Octagon
Emily Wergin, Grinnell College
An octagon loop is formed by placing regular octagons adjacent to one another
so that each octagon borders two others and a single space is enclosed. Such a loop can only be formed with an even
number of octagons. The purpose of this
research is to explore how many loops can be formed for n octagons. I found a method for counting a special
class of convex octagon loops.
3:30** Comparing the SAT and ACT
Ben Jones, Grinnell College
It is difficult to compare student performance on the SATs and ACTs. Simple linear regression makes little sense since there is no natural independent and dependent variable. This talk reports on a summer project where an equipercentile and a linear scaling model were developed to analyze pairs of test scores of students in the Grinnell applicant pool. The result was a table, unique to Grinnell, used to compare scores on the two tests.