Bylaws of the Illinois Section of theMathematical Association of America

Revised: September 16, 2006,

Approved by the Governors: February 28, 2007

Revisions for approval at April 2009 meeting

Article I - Name and Purpose

Article II - Membership

The membership of the Illinois Section consists of the members of the Mathematical Association of America residing with MAA mailing addresses in Illinois, zip codes 60002-62999.   Exceptions may be made by the national Washington office at the request of the member involved.

Article III - Officers and Board of Directors


Article IV - Meetings

Article V - Fees and Use of Assets

Article VI - Committees

    1. The Two Year College Committee
    2. The Nominating Committee
    3. The Program Committee
    4. The Committee on Secondary School Lectures
    5. The Committee on Awards
    6. The Committee on Teacher Education
    7. The Committee on Finance
    8. The Audit Committee

Article VII - Amendments

These bylaws may be amended by a majority vote of the members present at the Annual Meeting, provided notice of such amendments has been submitted in writing to the members of the Section by the Secretary-Treasurer at least fifteen (15) days prior to the date of the meeting and provided that these amendments are approved by the Board of Governors of the Mathematical Association of America.