2016 Outstanding Graduate Research Exposition (OGRE) Awards
The Illinois Section of the Mathematical Association of America invites submissions for the 2016 Outstanding Graduate Research Exposition (OGRE) Awards . These awards are designed for graduating or near graduating graduate students in mathematics who have an interest in academic careers at undergraduate teaching-oriented institutions.
Candidates for the award will submit a written statement by March 18, 2016 and present a talk at the 2016 ISMAA Meeting at Illinois College on April 8-9, 2016 as described below.
The written statement will be submitted as a PDF file by March 18, 2016 to Olcay Akman, Awards Committee Chair, at oakman@ilstu.edu . Please include "OGRE Awards" in the subject heading.
The talk should contain the content above and should be directed to an audience of non-experts in the particular area of mathematics and to undergraduate students. Candidates must be registered for the ISMAA meeting as well.
Questions? Email oakman@ilstu.edu