The Illinois Section of the Mathematical Association of America (ISMAA) invites submissions for the 2011 Award for Outstanding Undergraduate Research in Mathematics. The awards will be given to the best three research papers authored and presented by undergraduate students in any field of mathematics.  For this award student participants are encouraged to produce complete research projects including, but not limited to focusing on interesting mathematical problems, the process of writing manuscripts, creating professional presentations and speaking at professional meetings. Faculty mentors will encourage their students to work on problems with more research emphasis. In addition to helping outstanding students fund their travels to ISMAA Meetings, we believe this award will help introduce selected students gain experience in conducting, writing, presenting and funding research projects.

Working in collaboration with a faculty advisor, undergraduate students who wish to apply for one of these awards should submit the following materials electronically (either as a PDF or MS Word document) to the Awards Committee.

Please include "OUR-Award-Submission" in the subject heading. Papers need not have been submitted for publication in a professional journal at the time of consideration for this award but they have to be complete scientific manuscripts.

The awards will be given to the projects that have the three highest combined scores for both the scientific paper and the presentation This year the  awards for the top three ranked winners will be $250, $150 and $100.  The deadline for OUR Award applications is March 29, 2011.

Questions? Email oakman@ilstu.edu .