[ MAA Logo ]Illinois Section of the MAA

Proposed Bylaw Changes

At the Annual Business Meeting during the ISMAA Annual Meeting at North Central College Members of the Section will vote on proposed changes to the the ISMAA Bylaws.

The main changes to the Bylaws are:

As proposed, the revised bylaws do not specify the duties of the Section NExT Coordinator or the Section Information Coordinator.

For the details see the Current Bylaws with Proposed Changes, which contains both the old and new wording. The deletions are crossed out, and the additions are in red italics provided your your Web browser supports the necessary HTML tags which most do. (If in the previous sentence, the word "deletions" is crossed out and the word "additions" is in red italics, your Web browser supports the necessary HTML tags.)

The Current Bylaws (without changes) are also available for reference.

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March 17, 2006