Illinois Section of the MAA

2003 Annual Meeting Registration Form

Name (Last) ___________________________(First)_______________________

Street ______________________________________________________________

City _______________________________ State ___________ ZIP___________

School or Business Affiliation _______________________________________

Phone _____________________

Email Address ________________________________________________________

Registration [ ] Regular Member: $25.00 ($30.00 on site)      _________
             [ ] Retiree: $10.00 
             [ ] Student Presenters: $.00 
             [ ] Students from Institutional Sponsors: $0.00 
             [ ] Student Math contest participant: $0.00
             [ ] Student other than above: $10.00

Firday morning field trip                                [ ]
     (Donate $3.00 at Dana-Thomas House)          

Friday Evening Reception and Banquet ($25.00)                 _________
    Buffet which includes carved prime rib, Grecian chicken
           breast, and vegitarion lasagna
    Additional special dietary needs ______________________

Saturday box lunch ($7.00)                                    _________
               ($0.00 for NExT Participants)

Saturday afternoon - Assesment Forum Continued           [ ]
               ($0.00 but pre-registration requested)          

TOTAL                                                         _________

Please send this registration form and your check made payable to the ISMAA to

                         Jon Johnson
                         Mathematics Department 
                         Elmhurst College
                         Elmhurst, Illinois  60126

February 4, 2003

[ Registration Information ] [ ISMAA Home Page ]