Illinois Section of the MAA

2002 Two Year College Committee Report

The following recommendation for changes to the Illinois Mathematics and Computer Science Articulation Guide, a joint publication of ISMAA and IMACC, is hereby submitted to the membership for approval:

  1. Change the first paragraph of the Geometry description (page 17 of the Articulation Guide) by deleting the word “considered” from the second sentence and deleting the third sentence entirely. The first paragraph would read as follows:
    Geometry is a course in the fundamental concepts of geometry intended for students who lack credit in one year of high school geometry or need a review of the subject matter. This course is to be equivalent to a one-year course in high school geometry.

  2. Add to each course description directly below the Prerequisite statement the statement: “Note: See Technology Statement in the Introduction”
  3. Place headings on the statements dealing with technology and the standards. On page 4 of the Articulation Guide, place the heading, TECHNOLOGY STATEMENT, before the 3rd paragraph and the heading, STANDARDS STATEMENT, before the 4th paragraph with appropriate spacing.
  4. Change the 3rd paragraph (the Technology Statement) to read as follows
    The appropriate use of technology is an essential part of many mathematics courses. Effective and strategic usage of technology by both students and faculty is highly encouraged. As is stated in the Crossroads in Mathematics: Standards for Introductory College Mathematics Before Calculus (AMATYC, 1995, p.12), “Technology should be used to enhance the study of mathematics but should not become the main focus of instruction. The amount of time that students spend learning how to use computers and calculators effectively must be compatible with the expected gain in learning mathematics.” Computer software, especially packages appropriate for demonstration or visual representation of mathematical concepts, is strongly recommended. The use of calculators in any pre-algebra level course is best determined by departmental philosophy at the local level.

The above proposed changes are also available in MS-Word format.

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February 19, 2002