Historical Scrapbook

A Historical Summary of Our Section

2015 marks the centennial anniversary of the founding of the Mathematical Association of America. Florida was initially part of the Southeastern Section but, in 1967, formed its own section covering the state of Florida and the Caribbean area. Herewith some documents and correspondence that have been gleaned from our files. We hope you enjoy this random walk down memory lane. View scrapbook materials here.

Our governor, Jacci White, will be representing the Florida Section at the Centennial celebrations during Mathfest in August 2015 in Washington DC. Please view a historical narrative she has written about the section here.

On January 23-24, 2015, the Florida Section held its 48th annual meeting at Eckerd College in celebration of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the MAA. The meeting featured lots of contributed papers sessions and three plenary presentations: Ruth Charney (George Pólya Lecturer), Jenna Carpenter (First Vice-President of the MAA), and Bill Dunham (George Pólya Lecturer). In part, Eckerd was chosen to host this meeting because of the fact that one of the section’s founding fathers was Bob Meacham (1920 - 2002) - a long time faculty member at Eckerd. Laura Meacham Keane, his daughter, was invited to give the welcoming remarks at the opening session. Please read her address here.

In 2017, State College of Florida will be hosting the meeting for our 50th anniversary.