Jacksonville University

Submitted by Pete Ryan
Jacksonville University


This fall the JU mathematics department welcomed two new Assistant Professors to our family : Dr. Paul Crittenden, Ph.D. in Mathematics and Statistics from University of Nebraska in 2002, joining us from the Air Force Institute of Technology and Dr. Michael Gagliatdo, Ph.D. in Mathematics from University of Texas at Austin in 2007. Dr. Marcelle Bessman left us.

One of our graduated seniors, Megan Logue, who is at Clemson, presented her honors paper, "Coverings with Fish", at the Nebraska conference for undergraduate women in mathematics which was hosted by the University of Nebraska at Lincoln, NCUR, the Florida Section MAA meeting and at The Florida Honors Student Conference, which was hosted by FIU. Ms. Logue worked with Dr. Ben Wehrung on her paper.

In May, Dr. Crawford, Dr. Nancarrow and Dr. Repsher conducted a FIPSE workshop, "Living on Earth and in Space", at Montgomery College in Rockville Maryland. The workshop was part of a FIPSE grant (Funds for the Improvement of Post-Secondary Education) received by Dr. Sanjay Rai, formerly a member of the JU mathematics department.