Minutes of the Executive Committee Meeting

Executive Committee Meeting
February 13, 2009
Florida Gulf Coast University
Ft Myers, Florida

President Joel Berman called the meeting to order at 10:25 AM.

In attendance:

  • Joel Berman (Valencia CC), President
  • Bettina Capuano (Santa Fe CC), VP Site Selection
  • Christina Dwyer (Manatee CC), Assistant Coordinator of Student Activities
  • Julie Francavilla (Manatee CC), Coordinator of Student Activities
  • Daniela Genova (UNF), VP-Elect Site Selection
  • Scott Hochwald (UNF), Governor
  • David Kerr (Eckerd), VP Programs
  • Chuck Lindsey (FGCU), Newsletter Editor
  • Lubomir Markov (Barry), Past-President
  • Altay Özgener (Manatee CC), Webmaster
  • Janet Samuels (Manatee CC), Assistant Coordinator of Student Activities
  • John Waters (Manatee CC), Secretary/Treasurer
  • Jacci White (Saint Leo), 2nd Past-President

The minutes from the Executive Committee Meeting of April 17, 2008 were approved.


  1. Joel Berman reported that the Florida Section is required to review and amend its bylaws this year. Most of the changes proposed by National MAA are designed to standardize bylaws across all twenty-nine sections. For example, the word ‘Incorporated’ will be deleted from all section bylaws. Procedurally, a draft of our bylaws will be sent to National MAA by July 1, 2009, they will review and approve by September 30, and then the section membership will vote on the proposed changes in February 2010. There are no major amendments planned for the bylaws of the Florida Section.
  2. John Waters reported that our balance as of 2/13/09 was $15,045.10 but that this balance would decrease over the next few days as expenses incurred from our annual meeting are paid. John feels that our balance after all the expenses are paid will be around $10,000. John proposed that we adopt a formal policy within the section by which undergraduate student speakers are allowed to choose one MAA book from the section’s collection in recognition of their presentation(s). This policy was formally approved by the Executive Committee. John also reported that a ‘brick’ from the Florida Section for the MAA brick walk in Washington DC was purchased and David Kerr reported that the installation of that brick is immortalized on one of the videos on MAA YouTube (accessible from the home page of the MAA - www.maa.org).
  3. Scott Hochwald reported that National MAA is currently involved in bylaw revisions at both the national and sectional level and that assessment is still a focus of attention. Scott reported that the current economic crisis in the nation has hit the MAA as it has most companies and corporations - National MAA lost $1M from its endowment in 2008.
    Scott proposed that the section subsidize, through a grant program, graduate student travel to our annual meeting to give presentations. Scott proposed that only students currently in a Ph.D. program would be eligible for this grant. Specific graduate schools would be targeted each year. The graduate student would submit a proposal to the Vice-President for Programs. That proposal would be reviewed and, if accepted, all of the students costs to the annual meeting - travel, hotel, registration, etc., would be covered.
  4. Bettina Capuano reported that Santa Fe College will host the 2010 meeting - scheduled for February 19/20, 2010 and that Valencia Community College - East Campus is a possible site for the 2011 meeting.
  5. Christina Dwyer reported that the Integral and Sudoku Contests for the annual meeting were ready and that winners of the Integral Contest would receive a cash prize while the winner of the Sudoku Contest would be allowed to choose one MAA book from our collection.
  6. Scott Hochwald gave the President-Elect report and indicated that 2 regions of the Florida Section met this past year. They were First Coast with Fred Zerla as the plenary speaker and Suncoast with Heather Parker from the Saint Leo University History Department as the plenary speaker.
  7. Scott Hochwald announced the recipients of the section’s awards: Margie Hale from Stetson University as the recipient of the 2009 Distinguished Teaching Award and David Kerr from Eckerd as the recipient of the 2009 Distinguished Service Award.
  8. Lubomir Markov, as chair of the Nominating Committee, reported that our slate of officers for next year is:
    • Chuck Lindsey, President-Elect
    • Daniela Genova, Vice-President-Elect for Programs
    • Jacci White, Vice-President-Elect for Site Selection
    • David Kerr, Newsletter Editor
Old Business

There was no old business

New Business

There was no new business.

The meeting adjourned at 11:45 AM.

Minutes of the Annual Business Meeting

February 14, 2009
Florida Gulf Coast University
Ft Myers, Florida

President Joel Berman called the meeting to order at 2:00 PM.

  1. Joel Berman gave the President’s Report, Scott Hochwald gave the Governor’s Report, and John Water’s gave the Treasurer’s Report.
  2. Lubomir Markov placed the slate of officers
    • Chuck Lindsey, President-Elect
    • Daniela Genova, Vice-President-Elect for Programs
    • Jacci White, Vice-President-Elect for Site Selection
    • David Kerr, Newsletter Editor
    in nomination. There were no nominations from the floor and the slate was approved by acclimation.
  3. There was no old or new business.
The meeting adjourned at 2:15 AM.