Executive Committee MeetingFlorida Section
President Jacci White called the meeting to order at 9:45am.
In attendance: Joel Berman (Valencia CC), VP-Programs; Pam Crawford (Jacksonville), VP-elect-Site Selection Liz Dameron (Tallahassee CC), Local Arrangements Committee; Steph Fitchett (Florida Atlantic), Past-President Daniel Jelsovsky (Florida Southern), Coordinator of Student Activities; David Kerr (Eckerd), Governor; Lubomir Markov (Barry), President-elect; Bill Rush (St. Petersburg College), Newsletter Editor; John Salack (Tallahassee CC), Local Arrangements Committee; John Waters (Manatee CC), Secretary/Treasurer; Jacci White (St. Leo), President.
The minutes from the Executive Committee Meeting of May 13, 2006 were approved.
- Jacci White reported that MAA national will provide partial financial support for a section representative to attend MathFest. The Executive Committee decided that Pam Crawford will represent the Florida Section at this year's upcoming MathFest.
- Jacci White reported that she and Steph Fitchett will look into the possibility of developing a special program for new and beginning faculty in the state. This program would be held in conjunction with the annual FL-MAA meeting. Some preliminary ideas included a luncheon before the Friday afternoon plenary or a special session within the meeting.
- John Waters reported that our balance as of 2/16/07 was $12,609.07 but that this balance will decrease over the next few weeks as costs incurred as part of the annual meeting are expended. John also reported that vendors are currently paying the section $400 to set up a table at our meeting and this year we will have 5 publishers.
- John Waters reported that the MAA is offering a new mini-course on Galois Theory for sections to incorporate into their annual meetings. Eduardo Fernandez is going to consider the possibility of doing this for the 2008 meeting.
- David Kerr reported that Marilyn Repsher of Jacksonville University was the sections nominee for receipt of the MAA's National Distinguished Service Award. The award was presented to Marilyn at the Joint Mathematics Meetings in New Orleans, January 2007.
- Bill Rush reported that the section's website continues to receive lots of hits - 26,593 in just the last 12 months - and that the format of posting our newsletters electronically is working well. Bill reported that Altay Özgener of Manatee Community College will be taking over the duties of maintaining the website. The Executive Committee extended a round of thanks to Bill Rush for all the work he has done for the section over the years.
- Dan Jelsovsky reported that both an integral contest and a Sudoku contest will be held at this year's annual meeting. Student winners of the integral contest will receive a cash honorarium and winners of the Sudoku contest will receive a free MAA book.
- David Kerr reported on site selection for Eduardo Fernandez (who is currently on sabbatical at Stanford University). The next few meeting sites and dates are:
The Executive Committee is considering the possibility of moving the 2009 meeting to February 20/21 so as not to conflict with the annual ICTCM meeting.
- 2007 meeting - February 16/17 at Tallahassee Community College
- 2008 meeting - February 15/16 at Florida Southern College
- 2009 meeting - February 13/14 at Florida Gulf Coast University
- Steph Fitchett reported that the slate of future officers are:
- Joel Berman (Valencia CC),President-elect
- David Kerr (Eckerd), VP-elect-Programs
- Bettina Cappuano (Santa Fe CC), VP-elect-Site Selection
Old Business
There was no old business
New Business
There was no new business.
The committee meeting adjourned at 10:50am.