9:00 - 9:50 10:00 - 11:20 11:30 - 12:30/12:30 - 1:30 |
FTYCMA Officers' Meeting FTYCMA Workshop Update on Math in the Sun VI FTYCMA Business Meeting and Luncheon Box Lunches provided by Pearson Publishing Room: Whitaker Hall 101 |
10:00 – 11:30 | MAA Officers' Meeting Room: Lutgert 2210 |
1:45 – 2:00 | Presidential Welcomes Room: ACAD 5 112 |
Plenary Session 2:00 – 2:50 |
Using groups and graphs to create symmetry patterns Joseph A. Gallian, University of Minnesota Duluth Room: ACAD 5 112 |
Banquet 6:30 -8:30 |
Conference Banquet and Award Ceremony Room: Student Union Ballroom |
Plenary Session 9:00 – 9:50 |
Accidents Will Happen – Estimating Risk in Nuclear Power Plants Meredith Blue, NextEra Energy Room: ACAD 5 112 | |||||
Contributed Paper Sessions | ||||||
Rooms | Lutgert 1201 | Lutgert 1202 | Lutgert 1203 | Lutgert 1206 | Lutgert 2208 | Lutgert 2209 |
10:00-10:45 | Double Triangular Numbers I. A. Sakmar University of South Florida |
Just Jing It Joel M. Berman Valencia Community College |
Transition Modules in Higher Education: Redesigning the Mathematics Curriculum – Part I-II Jim Condor Manatee Community College |
Exit Strategy in the Rain: Walk or Run? Myth Busted! Eugene Belogay Wilkes Honors College, FAU |
Using an Interactive Learning Environment in Graduate Mathematics Science Courses Raid Amin, Rohan Hemasinha, Kuiyuan Li, Josaphat Uvah University of West Florida |
Environmental Modeling – Part I/II Ben Fusaro Florida State University |
11:00-11:45 | Heptagonal triangles and their companions Paul Yiu Florida Atlantic University |
Student Contests Julie Francavilla Manatee Community College |
A Study of Non-traditional Instruction on Qualitative Reasoning and Problem Solving in General Studies Mathematics Courses Kuiyuan Li, Josaphat Uvah, Raid Amin, Rohan Hemasinha University of West Florida |
Plenary Session 12:00 – 12:50 |
“How Always to Win at Limbo” or “You can sum some of the series some of the time, and some of the series none of the time... but can you sum some of the series ALL of the time?” Edward B. Burger, Williams College Room: ACAD 5 112 | |||||
Luncheon 1:00-3:00 |
Conference Luncheon FL-MAA Business Meeting Room: Student Union Ballroom |